I was just going through India’s boundry disputes recently with its two big neighbours China and Pakistan. They are Aksai Chin, Arunachal Pradesh with China and Siachen , Sir Creek with Pakistan. I can find a very basic similarity with all these places geographically. Aksai Chin currently under Chinese control is a barren white desert where there is no vegetation and in fact it’ll be challenge to find grass in this region. Arunachal Pradesh is a sparsely populated hilly and remote north eastern part of the country. Now comes the famous and known ones . Siachen glacier is world’s coldest battle field with more soldiers dyeing because of cold than by battle fatalities.Sir Creek is a marshy island which is difficult to demarcate and is a bone of contention between India and Pakistan.
So as a country we are fighting for pieces of real estates in which nobody will be interested . This really makes no sense economically although we fight because we think it is our land , basically for pride and national honour etc. Though this sounds incredibly correct we must recognize that we are spending resources and energy where it is least required.
buddy.... do you really think all these places are worthless.....and not worth fighting for...
Consider this..
Sir Creek.... it is one of the potential natural gas reserve
Siachen.... leaving this means giving a land corridor to Pakistan for China
Tawang.... leaving it means ending the geographic strategic advantage we have in Bhutan to China...
Dont think all the Babus, Netas and Strategists are fool
I agree . These places may have the stategic advatage as you have mentioned . No country will forgo it's land even though it may be of little value. I was just astonished by the similarities that these places have.
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